Payment Methods

   "id": "7bb6f1f3-d280-4b0c-a74f-90471ea69426", // Auto-generated UUID
   "paymentMethod": "klarna",
   "returnUrl": "", // URL to return after payment completion.
   "webhookUrl": "", // URL to receive webhook notification.
      "reference": "test-1111", // Max 20 characters
      "currency": "EUR", // ISO4217 format
      "amount": 2000, // The amount is in cents, 2000 = 20 EUR. Has to be sum of amounts * quantity in lines.
      "description": "test-1444",
            "name": "Some Voucher - 20 EUR", // Max 100 characters. Name of product.
            "category": "PREPAID-VOUCHER", // Max 100 characters.
            "brand": "alphacomm", // Max 100 characters.
            "quantity": 1, // Number of items
            "amount": 2000 // The amount is in cents, 2000 = 20 EUR

Sandbox Testing

Check with Dev team that sandbox is set for account. Request is same as given in example. On klarna payment widget, DemoBank has to be selected as a bank other input data can be random.

Trigger Failed tests

If emails are send in specific manner they could tirgger specific errors in sandbox request. Info on emails is given here Klarna Docs - Test Environment

Merchant Configuration

  • username - set by Dev team
  • password - set by Dev team