Payment Methods


   "id": "7bb6f1f3-d280-4b0c-a74f-90471ea69426", // Auto-generated UUID
   "paymentMethod": "applepay", // Payment method of use
   "returnUrl": "", // URL to return after payment completion.
   "webhookUrl": "", // URL to receive webhook notification.
      "reference": "11111-1111", // Max 20 character long
      "currency": "EUR", // ISO 4217 format currency
      "amount": 2000, // The amount is in cents, 2000 = 20 EUR
      "description": "11111-1444",
           "name": "Some Voucher - 20 EUR", // Max 100 characters. Name of product.
            "category": "PREPAID-VOUCHER", // Max 100 characters.
            "brand": "alphacomm", // Max 100 characters.
            "quantity": 1, // Number of items
            "amount": 2000 // The amount is in cents, 2000 = 20 EUR
      "buttonSelector": "#applePayButton", // Button styling
      "buttonStyle": "black", // Button styling
      "buttonType": "check-out" // Button styling
   "route": "checkout"

Sandbox Testing

In order to have applepay testing Apple devices are needed (mobile, lap-top) that support applepay and apple developer account is need that will be contected to Buckaroo.

Contact Developer team for more information.

Anti-fraud check

Fraud check (Cynic) is supported for this Provider.

Beside configuration set for fraud check. It is required for payer data to be sent along with request. Example below.

 "id": "7bb6f1f3-d280-4b0c-a74f-90471ea69426", // Auto-generated UUID
   "paymentMethod": "applepay", // Payment method of use
   "returnUrl": "", // URL to return after payment completion.
   "webhookUrl": "", // URL to receive webhook notification.
      "reference": "test-1111", // Max 20 characters
      "currency": "EUR", // ISO4217
      "amount": 2000, // The amount is in cents, 2000 = 20 EUR. Has to be sum of amounts * quantity in lines.
      "description": "test-1444",
            "name": "Some Voucher - 20 EUR", // Max 100 characters. Name of product.
            "category": "PREPAID-VOUCHER", // Max 100 characters.
            "brand": "alphacomm", // Max 100 characters.
            "quantity": 1, // Number of items
            "amount": 2000 // The amount is in cents, 2000 = 20 EUR
      "buttonSelector": "#applePayButton", // Button styling
      "buttonStyle": "black", // Button styling
      "buttonType": "check-out" // Button styling
   "payer": {
        "id": "1337", // Unique numeric value specific per payer
        "email": "", // Max 64 characters.
        "deviceId": "a80d683678514df2b3c952f48b095266", // Max 50 characters.
        "billing": {
            "firstName": "Jhon", // Max 128 characters. To test decline of Fruad check flow set value to DECLINE
            "lastName": "Doe", // Max 128 characters
            "street": "Scheepmakerspassage 183", // Max 128 characters. Billing street with number.
            "city": "Rotterdam",
            "zip": "3011VH", // Max 50 characters. Customer postal code.
            "phone": "+31612345678", // Phone number with Country code.
            "email": "",  // Max 64 characters.
            "country": "NL" // Country code ISO3166 format
        "shipping": {
            "firstName": "John", // Max 128 characters.
            "lastName": "Doe", // Max 128 characters.
            "street": "Scheepmakerspassage 183", // Max 128 characters. Shipping street with number.
            "city": "Rotterdam",
            "zip": "3011VH", // Max 50 characters. Customer postal code.
            "phone": "+31612345678", // Phone number with Country code.
            "email": "",  // Max 64 characters.
            "country": "NL" // Country code ISO 3166 format
        "ipAddress": "", // Support only ipv4
        "language": "nl", // Language code ISO 639-1 format
        "status": "registered", // Can be "guest", "registered", "registered-unconfirmed"
        "verificationStatus": "phone", // Can be "identification", "phone", "trusted", "otherwise"
        "dateRegistration": "2016-01-01T13:56:48+0100", // Date format ISO 8601
        "dateLastUpdated": "2016-01-01T13:56:48+0100", // Date format ISO 8601
        "dateFirstPurchase": "2016-01-01T13:56:48+0100", // Date format ISO 8601
        "channel": "web"  // Can be "web" or "app"
   "route": "checkout"

Merchant Configuration

  • guid - Buckaroo account (set by devs)
  • key - Buckaroo account (set by devs)
  • secret_key - Buckaroo account (set by devs)
  • store_name - Merchant name set in configuration