Payment Methods
Buckaroo iDEAL
"id": "7bb6f1f3-d280-4b0c-a74f-90471ea69426", // Auto-generated UUID
"paymentMethod": "ideal",
"returnUrl": "", // URL to return after payment completion.
"webhookUrl": "", // URL to receive webhook notification.
"reference": "test-1111", // Max 20 characters
"currency": "EUR", // ISO4217 format
"amount": 2000, // The amount is in cents, 2000 = 20 EUR. Has to be sum of amounts * quantity in lines.
"description": "test-1444",
"name": "Some Voucher - 20 EUR", // Max 100 characters. Name of product.
"category": "PREPAID-VOUCHER", // Max 100 characters.
"brand": "alphacomm", // Max 100 characters.
"quantity": 1, // Number of items
"amount": 2000 // The amount is in cents, 2000 = 20 EUR
Buckaroo Sandbox
In Buckaroo iDEAL integration, all needed parameters are set in buckaroo. Just example request is sent
Check with dev team for sanbox setup
Merchant Configuration
- guid - Buckaroo account (set by devs)
- key - Buckaroo account (set by devs)
- secret_key - Buckaroo account (set by devs)
- store_name - Merchant name set in configuration